Sunday, October 6, 2019


Vietnam Memorial
photo credit: Aaron Springston
Most of us have an idea of what we would like to happen with our bodies once they are no longer animated by our thoughts. We may want to be buried in a casket or cremated; we may want a headstone telling who we were, or maybe we want our ashes buried in the flower garden. I’ve spent a lot of time walking in cemeteries and they are fascinating places. I wonder about the people’s stories and who loved them enough to make these lasting memorials. Nowadays, there are Facebook pages devoted to those who are gone, with people remembering their birthdays and “heavenly birthdays” and sharing other memorials. Whatever the remembrance, it’s all an expression of the love manifested in their lives. I wish I’d given my parents more flowers when they were here, and I’m grateful that my sweet son picks bouquets for me when he sees a pretty stand of wildflowers. Every loving kindness is a tribute to Life, don’t you think? Moment by moment, memories are made and love is shared.

"Thou to whose power our hope we give, 
     Free us from human strife. 
Fed by Thy love divine we live,
     For Love alone is life;
And life most sweet, as heart to heart
Speaks kindly when we meet and part."
Mary Baker Eddy - the poem, Love.

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