Wednesday, October 30, 2019

It's the Small Stuff

photo credit: Gerry Toler
The magic of a single day is magnificent! For instance, I came home the other day and Kevin gleefully told me it had been the best day of his life. Fun and interesting things had been happening around him all day. I kind of feel that way about today! On this chilly, rainy day, life was bursting forth at every turn. It could be said that our fall leaves are rather lackluster, but on this gray day the leaves glowed. People seemed different -- somewhat raw in their emotions and words. It felt really real out there today! It's the little things, don't you think? Seeing the last rose shivering at the end of October, watching friends gather together with heartfelt caring for each other, lifting a glass and sharing food -- what a joy to be present in each moment! When things seem mundane, or difficult, or overwhelming, start noticing the moments and hang on tight! 

"Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences, by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love." Mary Baker Eddy 

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