Monday, October 28, 2019

The Appeal of Horror

photo credit: Richard Quick
Halloween is always fun because of playing dress-up and eating sweet stuff. But what of the horror phenomenon? I have never enjoyed being scared or tricked, so that part of this time of year has never held appeal to me, and I’ve been wondering why we have this obsession with zombies. We have quite an invasion here in Eureka Springs, and I’m content to have been out of town and missed last weekend’s influx. I suppose people like the idea of being dead but continuing to walk about in these bodies, going on and on while our decrepit selves try not to fall apart. I find no appeal there either - my goodness!  Perhaps we can act out our fears of other things, such as “invasions” and death, working through the things we dread or don’t understand. I hear that our U.S. Center for Disease Control issued advice on how to survive a zombie apocalypse, and it was meant to prepare our citizens for a pandemic outbreak of any type. I’m not sure how all this ties together, but it’s what I’ve been pondering today. Please feel free to post your thoughts to the blog (website link is below). You don’t need to sign in to do so! 

"The fact that the Christ, or Truth, overcame and still overcomes death proves the 'king of terrors' to be but a mortal belief, or error, which Truth destroys with the spiritual evidences of Life; and this shows that what appears to the senses to be death is but a mortal illusion, for to the real man, and the real universe there is no death process." Mary Baker Eddy 

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