Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Indoctrination or Education?

What is the difference in indoctrination and education? This question comes to mind because of people saying kids are being indoctrinated in Islam in schools, when (it seem to me) they are simply teaching history. Does separation of church and state mean we cannot learn about other people in our country? Are we so jaded and fearful we think it’s indoctrinating children if they even hear about what someone else believes? Gosh, I hope not. How can I understand why my neighbor on one side finds my barbecue grill abhorrent, while the one across the street wants to slaughter goats in his yard, feeling stifled because the city won’t allow it? We all have things we like and don’t like; and some of us have strictures placed upon us by religion, government, ancestors. Education is the most important factor in learning compassion, realizing what is ethical and moral, and understanding how to get along with others. Let’s not be so frightened of our children being exposed to things we believe to be wrong, but let’s do think more about teaching them what is right.

"The present codes of human systems disappoint the weary searcher after a divine theology, adequate to the right education of human thought." Mary Baker Eddy 

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