Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evasion of Truth Cripples Integrity

I love to watch Dancing With the Stars. People step outside their comfort zone and dance, practice hard, and often change their lives. In the years I’ve enjoyed this show, I’ve never seen anyone who has no natural rhythm advance beyond the first week or two — until now. Sean Spicer came on the show and was easily the worst dancer, seeming to be an early elimination prospect. But he is still in the competition, when five others have been sent home. Why, we all wonder? Well, Trevor Noah has given us the answer. Through a series of interviews on Fox News and Mr. Spicer’s own advertisement, we see how he is manipulating the system. He has told people how to cast votes more times than they normally could, and urges people on the west coast to vote even before they’ve seen him dance. He has turned this competition into a pitiful parody of what it’s been for the past 20+ seasons. Why is it so important for him to win? He has given interviews on Fox stating that this is for the “cause”, and that Democrats think they’re better than everyone else and people should vote for him, making his appearance on the show into some sort of convoluted political stand. Good grief. What have we come to? When voting and results can be manipulated through a person or group, it makes me wonder about those buying into the story as much as those telling it. What has become of our integrity? Where does the madness stop? It stops with us, you and me, right now. Namaste... 

"Evil which obtains in the bodily senses, but which the heart condemns, has no foundation; but if evil is uncondemned, it is undenied and nurtured. Under such circumstances, to say that there is no evil, is an evil in itself. When needed, tell the truth concerning the lie. Evasion of Truth cripples integrity and casts thee down from the pinnacle." Mary Baker Eddy 

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