Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fact Checking

photo credit: Aaron Springston
What will it take for us to stop attacking each other? I am terribly tired of people posting preposterous things to Facebook. I have "unfollowed" most of these dear people, so I don't have to see it, but a few (such as in-laws in Springdale), I still allow on my newsfeed because I want to see photos of the kids and keep up with their lives. But I just saw a photograph, supposedly of Congresswoman Omar in training with al-qaeda. It was very easy to check the veracity and origins of this silly claim. There were five fact checking sites which all said it wasn't her in the photo and the "facts" were fiction. Let's all be smart enough to not repeat such things. If it sounds too ridiculous to be true, then google it and see what's up. Nevertheless, what's going on with us? Why can we no longer communicate with each other? Why don't our elected officials work together for the good of our country? Must we always take sides and throw nasty things at each other? I think not. I've made one new conservative friend in the last month. I think I'll try for one a week! 

"God is Father, infinite, and this great truth, when understood in its divine metaphysics, will establish the brotherhood of man, end wars, and demonstrate "on earth peace, good will toward men." Mary Baker Eddy 

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