Friday, April 10, 2020

Cleaning Up Our Heart and Earth

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Does anyone else feel as though they're in a sort of limbo? On the one hand, we are finding out how little we actually need and what is truly important to us. On the other hand, many are suffering because of lack of income to handle the necessities of life. I'd love for the outcome of our quarantine to be a universal acceptance of free power from the sun and wind, more entertainment supplied by nature her-own-self,  and happy connections with our family and neighbors. I'd like to see people playing bridge and pinochle at the kitchen table after dinner together, going for long walks with their dogs, reading to each other, relaxing into being rather than always doing. Wouldn't it be perfect to barter our services within communities? Wouldn't it be great to have neighborhood markets and bakeries and shoe stores like in the olden days? I want our kids to be safe walking to school, where learning is a joy and they wake up every morning excited about going. What if we all worked at something we enjoyed, something which benefited our communities, things which brought satisfaction to our soul? What kind of world could we have if everyone was present in the moment, noticing the needs of others and our planet? We wouldn't need to eat animals at every meal, and could raise them in such a way as to not pollute our hearts and earth. We've strayed from what is important, but we can find it again. We must help each other or we'll never make it back to the garden. Nothing is more outlandish than the way we, as a society, are living right now. There are models of sustainable living all around us. Let's bring it into existence for us all!

"RESURRECTION: Spiritualization of thought, a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence, material belief yielding to spiritual understanding." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 593:9

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