Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Unfolding Unity and Reality of Good

Metaphorically, it seems the chaff is being separated from the wheat in many ways. This photo shows the old-fashioned way of throwing wheat up into the air to get the chaff to fly away into its useless state. It has served its purpose, protecting the wheat berry, and now it's time to leave. In this time of isolation from the activities we are accustomed to participating in, we are finding out what is truly necessary and what was only filling our time with busy-ness. I have some friends who are noticing butterflies for the first time! Stop and smell the roses, right? How many of us didn't slow down and notice our surroundings before we were forced into it? In the political world (and what isn't political??), we are seeing lying and cheating being separated from facts and ethical actions. It's painful to recognize that our long-held beliefs may not only be erroneous, but that this recognition is going to rock our world, changing everything we held as gospel and throwing the chaff to the wind. I could go on and on thinking up examples of this, but I'd rather you tell me. What have you noticed in the world around you? Happy threshing!

"From first to last the supposed coexistence of Mind and matter and the mingling of good and evil have resulted from the philosophy of the serpent. Jesus' demonstrations sift the chaff from the wheat, and unfold the unity and the reality of good, the unreality, the nothingness, of evil." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 269:9

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