Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Inspired Thought

photo credit: Aaron Springston
The sunshine today was nice. I took a walk in the cemetery and spent some time just breathing and thinking loving thoughts about everyone I know. It's easy to fall into a blame game with everything as topsy-turvy as it is. But, actually, the fault has been happening for a long, long time. We've been thinking if we're financially stable, everything is alright. Someone said that to me today, that the tragedy of this situation is that people will have no money. Well, I must agree -- as long as our world is set up the way it is. When I ended up in the hospital a few years ago, I discovered that if you were poor enough, everything was covered by what is known as Obamacare. I was grateful, and still am. But it showed me that it doesn't pay to work hard at minimum wage because you might make too much money and have to pay exorbitant amounts to the medical machine we call health care. I have gone on this rant for a reason: the world must change. We're doing too many things the wrong way. There are alternatives and it's time we shout from the rooftops that we want these changes! Progressive thinking encompasses everything, not just politics and religion. But that's a darned good place to start!

"The true history of the universe, including man is not in material history but in spiritual development. Inspired thought relinquishes a material, sensual, and mortal theory of the universe, and adopts the spiritual and immortal." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 547

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