Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Time Slows Down

photo credit: Aaron Springston

I’ve been sending a card or two every day to people I think would enjoy receiving them. This is not only to help the post office (which numerous folks tell me can’t be done), but to reach out to someone who may be in need of a smile. Today, I was getting ready to play bridge online with a group of people when I realized I had not written my daily card. I almost rushed to do so before the mail person came, but then I realized the error of my ways. If I’m going to mindlessly do it, just to be doing it, then I shouldn’t be doing it! With that perspective, I plan on writing a few tomorrow, mindfully. Following along in that vein, I read an article this evening about a mom who was concerned because her daughter was always checking to see what time it was. She seemed worried that she wouldn’t get enough sleep, that she didn’t have time to do everything she needed to do, and she was becoming more and more anxious. The mother suggested (during this time of isolation) that they give up clocks and sleep when they were sleepy, eat when they were hungry, and enjoy every moment of it. To their delight, they found that their days seem longer and they are enjoying everything more! Yet another grand truth discovered while slowing down...

“The objects of time and sense disappear in the illumination of spiritual understanding and Mind measures time according to the good that is unfolded.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 584:4

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