Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A New Earth

Zion National Park - PC: Aaron Springston

Many of us are resistant to change. We like the security of everything staying the same, and often rebel against changes even though we innately sense they would be wonderful. During these days of shifting thought, there is much resistance and fear. Many people are waiting for things to get back to "normal". But do we truly want to go backward? Isn't this the opportunity of a lifetime, to see change on a scale which will make us fall to our knees in awe, giving thanks that we can witness such an awakening of consciousness? We've always known there are better ways to power our cars and homes, more efficient and clean ways to grow food and get it where it needs to go. We know there is the possibility of living in harmony with all life, not just what we deem to be sacred. Do we have to learn to love all humans and animals, or simply find out how to stop fearing them? Must we learn new ways, or do we already know them and they will become obvious when we stop holding everything in stasis with our stagnant thoughts? Lies and self-serving ideals are being shown for exactly what they are. Truth reigns, lies crumble, honesty prevails -- and a new earth appears.

“Erase the figures which express number, silence the tones of music, give to the worms the body called man, and yet the producing, governing, divine Principle lives on,--in the case of man as truly as in the case of numbers and of music,--despite the so-called laws of matter, which define man as mortal." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 81:19-24

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