Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Change is the Bottom Line Here

"No Looking Back"
Creation of Sandy Starbird
I hear a lot of news. My Kevin is a news guy and has read and/or listened to every bit of news put out since the mid-70s, so I get lots of information by osmosis. I purposely follow some people on Facebook in order to find out what Fox is baiting folks with nowadays. I follow Steve Grant's (KY3) page so I can gauge the way everyone is leaning on multiple issues. I read the Christian Science Monitor for moments of clarity and sanity. It's exhausting and it would be easy to shut down, but we shouldn't pretend all is well, or that we needn't act as it will work itself out. When people send me their particular views on matters via a video on youTube, or a particularly biased meme, or anything other than their own words expressing how they feel/think about something, I have begun to tell them exactly how I feel. The bottom line here is that things need to change. Our actions which have been destructive to the Earth, which harm people, which put money ahead of everything else -- well, we need to examine that and do things differently. We have a great opportunity at this time of forced change, so let's embrace it and find better ways to do things! I'm weary of political parties and strong opinions which keep us stuck in our ways, believing "I'm right and you're wrong". Let's give up these beliefs and look at what is actually happening here. It might be simpler than we think!

"Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to speech and action. Love is priestess at the altar of Truth." Mary Baker Eddy - Science and Health Page 454:19

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