Monday, July 27, 2020

Be Impeccable With Your Word

One of the most important books of our age is The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. Today I've been thinking about the first agreement: Be Impeccable With Your Word. What a wonderful world we would have if everyone did this one simple thing. When we hear something which sounds too awful to be true, it may very well be a lie. For example: Hillary Clinton is running a prostitution ring out of Pizza Hut. If you hear something so ridiculous, wonder why you're hearing it. If a friend tells you something derogatory about a mutual friend, don't tell anyone else. Remember the Mark Twain statement: “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.” If you tell someone you're going to do something, do it. But if you cannot, for whatever reason, be honest with them; don't make up an excuse or pretend you never said it.  If you promise your dog a walk every day, by golly you'd better do it, because you can't lie to a dog. (the same goes for any promise) If you're writing something similar to this, practice what you preach. It's easy to know what to do, but sometimes difficult to live in truth and love. Do it anyway. And finally, if someone says something you think to be incredibly foolish, be gentle in your correction. This one is tough for me, so I saved it for last. Go forward with joy, sowing good will and compassion! Namaste...

"Love will finally mark the hour of harmony, and spiritualization will follow, for Love is Spirit. Before error is wholly destroyed, there will be interruptions of the general material routine. Earth will become dreary and desolate, but summer and winter, seedtime and harvest (though in changed forms), will continue unto the end, -- until the final spiritualization of all things. 'The darkest hour precedes the dawn.'" Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 96:4-11

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