Thursday, July 23, 2020

Never Fear the Consequences

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Many of us shy away from speaking truth to erroneous thought. I read an article today by a woman who was growing up in the 1960s, a time when people of different races did not, as a rule, mingle voluntarily. She told the story of being at a friend's house and being confronted by her friend's father. The writer of this story was working with a program for rural Black people and he had seen her holding a Black child's hand, with another child sitting on her lap. He felt her actions merited corporeal punishment. She immediately said to the man, "God loves that little boy. Why don't you?" This made the man more angry and he started to take his belt off, advancing towards her. She said, "God loves you too, and you must love all whom God loves." He dropped his belt and began sobbing, reaching out to hug the girl who had forced him to face himself. This story caused me to think of times I have seen a simple statement change a situation. There is a power in truth; a power which lies only appear to have. These are difficult times indeed, but whether it's a woman sitting naked before angry forces, or pregnant women banding together against injustice, or you speaking up to your friend, we must stand for what is right and good, never fearing the consequences.

"Millions of unprejudiced minds -- simple seekers for Truth, weary wanderers, athirst in the desert -- are waiting and watching for rest and drink. Give them a cup of cold water in Christ's name, and never fear the consequences." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 570:14

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