Monday, July 13, 2020

Neowise and the International Space Station

"Overexposed Milky Way"
photo credit: Richard Quick
We were outside looking for the comet, Neowise, this evening. There were conflicting accounts of where to see it, with Accuweather saying close to the archer and milky way in the east-ish sky, and telling us we could see it below the big dipper in the other direction. I have the app, Sky View Lite on my phone, and so we had a fun time discovering various night lights which were not the comet! My favorite one was the International Space Station! At one point, I thought I was seeing an airplane, so I pointed my phone toward it to see how the app would identify a plane. What a surprise to find it was the space station! All this conflicting data reminded me of the stories we hear through various media. We may hear one thing from one place, and a conflicting version from another. Some folks are upset that the "big" news organizations -- Associated Press and Reuters -- are not reporting the things they are hearing in the sensational news. They take this to mean it's a conspiracy for the mainstream news sources to hide stories from the masses. The instance which was brought to my attention was a police-blotter-type story which has no reason to be reported on by the AP, but some sources are treating it as a #BLM killing. This type of sensationalized headline leaves out vital details; details which turn it into just another horrid happening at 3 a.m. in somewhere USA. But I digress. The point is: Go look at the sky, watch bugs crawl through the grass, breathe the cool night air. Generate joy, and let your intuition lead you in paths of righteousness. 

"So we have goodness and beauty to gladden the heart, but man, left to the hypotheses of material sense unexplained by Science, is as the wandering comet or the desolate star -- 'a weary searcher for a viewless home.'" Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 121:12

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