Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Let The Sun Shine


photo credit: Aaron Springston

Inauguration Day is here! I think it’s more momentous and indicative of change than New Year’s Day, and it feels like a clean, new beginning to many of us. As perceptions would have it, many also see it as a dark day. Recent events have solidified my resolve to see things as they are, not as I think they should be, or how they were, or how they could have been, or how they might be tomorrow. I look forward to watching life transpire and I, personally, try to see with clean eyes and leave judgment out of my sight. This is not easy, but studying A Course in Miracles has helped in this endeavor. By not watching this unfolding with preconceived ideas of what it means, I hope to see more clearly what is really happening. These times we are living through are a fascinating study, but I’m tired of analysis. Songs keep running through my mind: All You Need is Love! Let the sunshine in, keep the faith, and somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue! Keep the faith, folks :)

“There will ensue a fermentation over this as over many other reforms, until we get at last the clear straining of truth, and impurity and error are left among the lees.” Mary Baker Eddy - Page 65:20

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