Friday, January 8, 2021

People Helping People


photo credit: Datura Böes

A private school in California is run by a group which also has a prison outreach program. The inmates were so appreciative that they wanted to give something back, and asked what they could do to help the community. The school had a student whose parents had lost their jobs and had medical problems and, even with scholarship aid, they could not pay for their son's education to continue attending. The inmates pooled their resources and paid for the boy to finish his senior year. The student said he worked extra hard because he didn't want to let down his benefactors. He graduated and got a full scholarship to college. One of the incarcerated men who helped collect donations from others in his unit, says the men who contributed were eager to add value to someone’s life. “The damage to our victims can’t be undone, and we can make the choice to sow new things into the world. Now we have the opportunity to sow goodness, to sow charity, to sow love,” he says. In these times when so many thoughts are attuned to retribution and blame, let's remember these men and the good they wanted to add to the world by their gifts. I love these stories of people helping people, don't you? 

"And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us and to be merciful, just, and pure." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 497:24

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