Thursday, January 21, 2021

Rising in Love


photo credit: Aaron Springston

Grief is a topic which is explored from every angle -- analyzed, questioned, dissected, and generally turned every which way but loose. I find happiness peeking through the veil of sadness, and it is a relief. It's more difficult when leaving the safe haven of home, because you never know what triggers you're going to run into out there. I went to an insurance office today to insure a vehicle, not imagining anything traumatic could happen. But, sure enough, the lady looking at her computer says, "I see here Kevin Wright lives in your home". Good grief, who would have thought! Yesterday's trip to the cremation place was an expected grief-causing visit, but it turned out to be bizarre enough to compensate for any additional tears. I suppose I'm talking about this because it feels good to embrace the sadness, and it feels good to let it go for spots of laughter. The only thing which doesn't feel good are the moments of guilt and blame, but thank goodness for the spiritual lessons I'm learning. Forgiveness is more than what we think it is, and less. Kevin was always amazed that I didn't hold grudges, whether toward him or others. It is sort of amazing to me, too! Who knows what new horrors and wonders tomorrow may bring? "There is nothing either good nor bad, but thinking makes it so." Thank you, Mr. Shakespeare! 

"If grief causes suffering, convince the sufferer that affliction is often the source of joy, and that he should rejoice always in ever-present Love." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 377:3

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