Monday, January 18, 2021



Kevin Wright

I remember when my dear friend, Sandy Starbird, said that she felt closer to her husband after he passed on than ever before. Although I could intellectually understand that, I didn't really "get" it. I do now. Kevin is in everything I see, in all I feel and touch, in every breath. And now I know he always was; I/we didn't see that because our physical senses got in the way. Another revelation is the magnitude of love being expressed every day by people I know. Genuine, caring concern is coming from all directions! Relatives and friends of Kevin's, whom I've never met, are opening up and showing kindness in the form of happy stories and offers of photographs. People I haven't heard from in ages are calling and commenting on my Facebook posts about Kevin. There is an outpouring of love which is astounding even to me! I usually expect everybody to be nice, but this is something else! I feel Kevin's loving embrace as I care for his dogs, letting them know there is nothing to fear, that they are safe and Kevin's love is still with us. His presence is with me while I wash dishes in my newly painted Peewee-Herman-hacienda-style kitchen. His love lives, and I am grateful to know it. The adventure we began a scant few years ago is still going on, but in another form. I'm at peace with this transition, and thankful for good friends and helping hands. Namaste...

“In the illusion of death, mortals wake to the knowledge of two facts: (1) that they are not dead; (2) that they have but passed the portals of a new belief.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 251:8

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