Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sending Love


There has been a situation in my life which helps me to be empathetic toward those who have loved ones who are ill. I had to call an ambulance for my Kevin tonight and he is at the hospital. It doesn’t appear to be Covid, but there are some alarming symptoms. The photo I include is of the wall in his computer porch. He painted it yesterday and loves it so much. I am visualizing him sitting there in the sunshine, looking at the wall he enjoyed composing. It is a beautiful expression of him. Not being able to be with him, not knowing what is happening, brings the situation facing millions into focus for me. It’s not easy living and loving in this time of covid, huh? I send healing love to everyone hurting tonight, for whatever reason, no matter who you are or where you are. May the families of those in hospitals find comfort in knowing that love has no boundaries. I know Kevin feels my love as solidly as that of his dogs, and vice versa. Time to tuck the dogs into bed with some comforting words. Love to all...

"Spirit blesses man, but man cannot 'tell whence it cometh.' By it the sick are healed, the sorrowing are comforted, and the sinning are reformed. These are the effects of one universal God, the invisible good dwelling in eternal Science." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 78:28

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