Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Higher and More Permanent Peace


Excitement is in the air! Warmer weather, the appearance of flowers, and the hope of full vaccinations allowing us to co-mingle again — well, it’s almost too much to bear! While colder weather and grey days don’t bother me (I enjoy being cozily swaddled in flannel and books), I’m ready to plant something and be outside. I have missed my book club and a spades game I regularly played with three dear friends, but other than that, I really don’t miss anything about the “old” life. I’m a bridge fanatic, and tournaments are more readily available online than they were in real time. I’m almost a Life Master after this year of seclusion. I never was into “party bridge”, but three friends and I play all Monday afternoon, online, with a conference call allowing us to talk on our phones. It’s better than being physically with each other — because we don’t have to go anywhere! I’ve never enjoyed small talk and chit chatting at parties and such, and it sometimes causes me discomfort to be forced into it. The past year has allowed me to realize many things about myself, as I’m sure you have, too. I look forward to embracing life in ways which bring peace and fulfillment!

“This scientific sense of being, forsaking matter for Spirit, by no means suggests man’s absorption into Deity and the loss of his identity, but confers upon man enlarged individuality, a wider sphere of thought and action, a more expansive love, a higher and more permanent peace.” ​Mary Baker Eddy - ​Science & Health Page 265:10-15

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