Friday, March 12, 2021

The Truth About Ourselves


photo credit: Aaron Springston

An old friend tells me that it has taken her seven decades to stop believing the things her parents told her about herself. They said she was ugly, stupid, worthless, and other horrid things. She believed them, and their words stayed with her until she joined a group of spiritually-aware people who allowed her to see the truth about herself. She no longer feels unworthy of love and goodness. Hallelujah! Her salvation has come! How often we believe lies about the reality of our being. We don’t realize we have chosen guilt for ourselves, but thankfully we are recognizing this and seeing that we have a choice. Nothing outside of our own Self can save us; nothing from outside can bring us peace. The source of salvation and peace lies within. This acceptance is, indeed, cause for celebration!

“Innocence and Truth overcome guilt and error.”  Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 568:1

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