Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Art Is The Answer


Tsagaglalal​ - creation of Sandy Wythawai Starbird​

Ask anyone why art is essential and you may hear that it's useless, or that it's necessary for the survival of our species. I've come to think that art is the answer to our current problems involving beliefs and our inability to assimilate facts. Any society which wants to suppress its people tries to eliminate art in its various forms. In the United States, we have been taught to believe that art is a luxury and is not essential in educating our children. This has caused some to think that anyone who appreciates art in its various forms is highfalutin in some way, perhaps defined as elitist for their love of beauty and critical thinking. I ask that we stop and remember the Coal Miner's Daughter, Loretta Lynn. She was as down-home as a person could be, and her songs praise the evolution of thought and the revolution for women and the pointlessness of sending our loved ones to war. Her stories rival those we think of as coming through great authors, and her melodies are as pure as our finest composers brought forth. Art in the United States is fabulously diverse and is representative of our country far more than corporations and politicians. We could list pages of writers and musicians and artists in all their glory, and they have all opened us to something more than we were before we heard or saw their creations. Yes, I think the answer to every question is art! 

"Creation is ever appearing, and must ever continue to appear from the nature of its inexhaustible source." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 507:28

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