Friday, March 19, 2021

Follow and Rejoice

photo credit: Aaron Springston

Have you ever felt as though you’re walking through quicksand when going about your daily activities? I’ve been feeling that way for a few days and have observed that it doesn’t take long to sink into expectations of difficulties. At first, I decided I had reached the “anger” phase of grief, because it seemed everything irritated me and nothing felt quite right. Knowing that our outer experiences are a direct result of our innermost thoughts, I began an examination of mine. In much the same way as early spring days call us to weed our flower beds, I began to cull through my random thoughts and emotions, identifying and transforming those which caused me to feel bad. I returned time and again to a mantra which Mary Baker Eddy called the daily prayer: “Thy kingdom come. May the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me. And rule out of me all sin [anything which separates from Love], and may Thy word enrich the affections of all mankind and govern them.” Tomorrow may bring a different repetition to help me to keep thought in line with Love, but wherever I’m led, I will follow.

“Shepherd, show me how to go, o’re the hillside steep.
How to gather, how to sow, how to feed thy sheep.
I will listen for thy voice, lest my footsteps stray.
I will follow and rejoice, all the rugged way.”
Poem from Mary Baker Eddy

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