Monday, March 8, 2021

The Secret Life of Bees

photo credit: Aaron Springston

 "The Secret Life of Bees" is one of my favorite books ever. I've read it twice and listened to it once, but that was years ago. So tonight when I had the opportunity to watch the movie, I was delighted! And rightfully so. The narrator is a broken, young girl whose mother deserted her in every way possible. Its setting is 1960s rural America, with all the racial paranoia you can imagine would be present. I ponder why some people are able to transcend awful events in their lives, while others are stuck in them. I'd love to have a round-table discussion about this. Every person, their experiences, their perceptions of life, they are all individual to us each, and nothing is universal about our pain. The honesty and grace lived by the family our main character is living with (and their love) heal her. By fearlessly looking at the pain and its source, she is able to make sense of it, feel it thoroughly, and find ways to be happy around it, until she will let it go. My focus for this year is: How to know the truth, and how to be an anti-racist. This movie sparked many ideas in my brain and I'm excited to see where they lead. I hope you have a joyous spring day!

"'Love one another', (I John, 3:23) is the most simple and profound counsel of the inspired writer. " Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 572:6

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