Sunday, May 15, 2022

Lions and Lambs and Humans — oh my!


Unknown photo source

In this lifetime, I’ve learned quite a bit from and about animals. When I was young, the general attitude was that only humans had “souls”. Perhaps this was started to justify our treatment of them. I’m not sure. Maybe it was simply an innocent mistake. It was also taught in subtle and obvious ways that cats and dogs didn’t get along; that they were natural enemies, if you will. I think we’ve all seen animal friendships which transcend these antiquated ideas! One of the most powerful moments I’ve witnessed was my house cat touching noses with a deer. They communed for a few minutes, while I watched in wonder. The things we believed about animals have changed, and it’s comforting to know we humans can see each other in a new light also. We need only accept each other for what we truly are, reflections of divine Love, to bypass the immaterial illusion of angry, divisive people who cannot get along because of opposing thought systems. Loving one another as God loves us shouldn’t be difficult. Let’s get out of our own way and allow that Love to shine from each of us, without setting parameters of who or what will receive it. Namaste …

“Seek not within the world to find your Self. Love is not found in darkness and in death. Yet it is perfectly apparent to the eyes that see and ears that hear love’s Voice. Today we practice making free your mind of all the laws you think you must obey; of all the limits under which you live, and all the changes that you think are part of human destiny. Today we take the largest single step this course requests in your advance towards its established goal.”  A Course in Miracles — W-127.6:1-5

“Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 571:18-21

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