Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Marianne Williamson's Facebook Post


this was from her facebook page, link below...

"The gap between the beauty of the natural world and the mess that we have made of it is excruciating. I saw a picture today of a woman lovingly holding her little girl in her arms, a reminder like so many of how wonderful life can be. It is not God, but us, who have messed things up so badly.

From assaults on our democracy to the increasing devastation of climate change to the unnecessary suffering of so many tens of millions, even billions of people due to the recklessness and greed of only a few, I can understand how those without faith in a higher power could fall easily into cynicism and despair.

But I believe in miracles. I believe in the power of awakening. I believe in the radical transformation of energy. I believe in us. I believe that people are good. I believe in the power of love. I believe in the power of forgiveness. I believe that the Red Sea parted. I believe that Jesus rose. I believe that God will always have the final say.
I believe we can harness all that, and use it to transform the world.

Are we in trouble? Oh yes we are. But who among us has not been in trouble before? Who among us has not seen signs that we had better change direction? And who among us has not seen the miraculous changes that come about when we sincerely do?

I am in deep contemplation, as I’m sure we all are, as to how I might best help. I do what I can, as I’m sure you do as well. Somehow, I just know it in my soul, we are going to change the world….in time." Marianne Williamson

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