Friday, August 13, 2021

Seeing Myself in Everything

 Perceptions are a frequent topic in these writings. Today I’ve been thinking about a specific event and how it might be wonderful for some and disappointing, even upsetting, for others. Today there was a much-needed rainstorm. The trees are clapping their hands! The farmers and gardeners are basking in the beautiful sound of raindrops splashing off of everything. It’s a time of peace and beauty in the Ozarks. But there are many people who were looking forward to an event in Basin Park this evening. After a year-and-a-half of pandemic-induced isolation, many folks were excited about hearing exciting and fun music, along with the inevitable dancing which goes along with this type of event. We human beings are interesting creatures, what with our expectations and emotional needs. Hearing these opposite reactions and thinking about life drew me to these words of Thich Nhat Hahn. I hope to put them into practice today. Namaste …

"Continue practicing until you see yourself in the most cruel and inhumane political leader, in the most devastatingly tortured prisoner, in the wealthiest man, and in the child starving, all skin and bones. Practice until you recognize your presence in everyone else on the bus, in the subway, in the concentration camp, working in the fields, in a leaf, in a caterpillar, in a dew drop, in a ray of sunshine. Meditate until you see yourself in a speck of dust and in the most distant galaxy." - Thich Nhat Hanh

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