Saturday, August 7, 2021

Truth Makes a New Creature


photo credit: Aaron Springston

In my heart, I know we are close to a tipping point in mass consciousness, a point in which everyone sees there is no difference between them and that person over there. In this sight, there is a world bathed in peace and contentment. There are no conflicts because everything is done for the good of everyone, and nothing contrary exists because we cannot have such thoughts in the face of beauty and Love. Once again, I must mention expanded identity. We have a terribly limited view of who we are, don’t you think? When we identify with our closest family, our community, our nationality, the color of our skin, our gender — perhaps this sets us up for conflict. A larger identity, a broad and firm foundation of who I am, these are the things I long to understand. Every day I listen for clues which will guide me to that utopia. Catching a glimpse of it causes us to want more!

"We cannot build safely on false foundations. Truth makes a new creature, in whom old things pass away and ‘all things are become new’."  Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 201: 7-9

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