Sunday, August 11, 2024

Nobody’s Right If Everybody’s Wrong …

I read a rather long article about Friedrich Nietzsche. It seems everyone, no matter their political persuasion, can make a case that he is writing just for them, supporting their views, and inspiring them to further heights of egotistical thought. While reading this, other instances came to mind of how songs and/or books can be perceived to suit our views. I was talking to a woman whose political attitudes are very different from mine, and she mentioned the song, “For What It’s Worth”, saying how perfectly it expressed what she felt about the current political scene. This well-known 1960s song  has been thought of as a protest song, beloved by liberal hippies for decades. Here is a verse:

“There’s battle lines being drawn. 

Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong. 

Young people speaking their minds, 

Getting so much resistance from behind. 

It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound? 

Everybody look what’s going down.”

I’ve heard of something similar happening with the novel 1984, which white supremacists quote as part of their rhetoric. Orwell’s use of the term “doublespeak” seems to jive with “alternative facts”, and somehow everything is turned around to fit anyone’s point of view. From 1984: “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” 

I think of these instances as showing that we are more alike than different. Of course, it could be just the opposite! Haha! 

“The question, ‘What is Truth,’ convulses the world. Many are ready to meet this inquiry with the assurance which comes of understanding; but more are blinded by their old illusions, and try to ‘give it pause.’ ‘If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.’

“The efforts of error to answer this question by some ology are vain. Spiritual rationality and free thought accompany approaching Science, and cannot be put down. They will emancipate humanity, and supplant unscientific means and so-called laws.” 

Mary Baker Eddy -  Science & Health Page 223:14-24

“Brother, we find that stillness now. The way is open. ³Now we follow it in peace together. You have reached your hand to me, and I will never leave you. We are one, and it is but this oneness that we seek, as we accomplish these few final steps which end a journey that was not begun.”

A Course in Miracles W-225.2:1-5

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