Friday, August 30, 2024

The Cement of a Higher Humanity

“I am in danger nowhere in the world." This statement [ACIM Lesson #244] is particularly comforting to me in the face of the fear which is associated with the presidential elections this year. In a recent conversation with friends, I learned that people are afraid to put out signs in support of Kamala Harris. For the last eight years, we have heard about instances where certain factions of people have retaliated toward people who dare to speak out against the tyranny of Donald Trump. I had not realized how timid we had become, and now that I see the extent of our fear, I’m feeling empowered to be fierce in taking a stand for honesty, morality, and decency.  When I am relying on my own knowledge and beliefs, I may be afraid of many things, seeing possible dangers around every corner.  Returning to Love releases illusions of fear, enabling us to see Truth, to live Love, in safety. I know many of you are thinking of horrible things you personally have witnessed; things which make this seem like a frivolous statement. In the material world we witness, this certainly is true. In the realization that true substance is that which does not change, we see that reality is spiritual, not material. And that is freedom!

“Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” 

Mary Baker Eddy Science & Health Page 571:18-21

“I am in danger nowhere in the world. Your Son is safe wherever he may be, for You are there with him. He need but call upon Your Name, and he will recollect his safety and Your Love, for they are one. How can he fear or doubt or fail to know he cannot suffer, be endangered, or experience unhappiness, when he belongs to You, beloved and loving, in the safety of Your Fatherly embrace?

“And there we are in truth. No storms can come into the hallowed haven of our home. In God we are secure. For what can come to threaten God Himself, or make afraid what will forever be a part of Him?”

A Course in Miracles W-244.1:1–2:4

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