Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nothing Unreal Exists

My mind is swirling this evening with visions of past friendships and present turmoil and confusion. The confusion is not mine, and I’m not taking it on, but I am having a difficult time holding to the spiritual truth of this situation. The thing I keep coming back to is Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Perhaps I find this so appealing because of my Christian Science training in early years. I always go back to holding to the Truth of our being when facing difficult situations. The forgiveness practice of Ho’oponopono is a form of keeping thought away from the seeming problems, while concentrating on the words, “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” It helps to quiet my thoughts and allow the still small voice to be heard inwardly, guiding me to where I need to be. And so I will repeat these words every time the distressing situation tells me there is no solution. At times like this, I am extremely grateful for A Course in Miracles and all the teachers and students who are holding their thought above the illusion. Namaste...

“Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.” A Course in Miracles

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