Tuesday, December 17, 2019

'Tis the Season!

Contributions, donations, fundraising events — Our little town is known for helping anyone in need, either individually or as a group, such as our wonderful Fleet Street Food Bank. Most places excel at giving around the holidays, but I truly think Eureka Springs is great at it all year ‘round! Kevin and I have been talking about it because he rang the bell for a couple of hours in front of the grocery store today, and the cool stories he told about folks putting money in the “pot” are wonderful! My favorite is about one woman who gave them $100, saying she had found it in the laundry and wanted to give it to them. I’m reminded of the Bible story of the woman who had enough flour to make bread for her son and herself, just one loaf, but when a stranger knocked on her door in need, she invited him in to share the food. This is the true meaning of Christmas, don’t you think? What an inspiration this little village is to me!

"Meekness and charity have divine authority." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health, Page 270

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