Monday, December 2, 2019

Just Breathe

"Protennoia" in the early sun
In stressful times, when I might become overwhelmed or frightened, I like to listen to Deva Premal and meditate on the art of Sandy Starbird. This morning was one of those times. Yesterday, we discovered that the fabulous organ I play at the Methodist church had been struck by lightening. We have the Celebration Choir performance this coming Sunday, so that left us in limbo. I am the organist and we have a professional pianist to accompany this great local choir, which is being joined by the performance choir from Berryville High School. So we weren’t too worried because there is a beautiful Steinway piano at the church where the performance will be held, and we can bring in a keyboard for the organ parts. Then today we hear that the pianist has had a heart attack. It’s at times like these we need to keep a calm, clear thought and know everything is working together for good. Much healing is happening in our world and our understanding is needed. So I will wake up in the morning, commune with Sandy’s rendition of Protennoia, and know only good can come of this.

“I am Protennoia,
the Thought that dwells in the Light.
I exist from the first.
I am numberless. I am immeasurable.
I am a Voice speaking softly by virtue of Thought.
And it is a Word that was sent
to illumine those who dwell in darkness.”

These words are adapted from Trimorphic Protennoia, a Sethian Gnostic text from the New Testament apocrypha. The only surviving copy comes from the
Nag Hammadi library (Codex Xlll )

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