Sunday, December 22, 2019

Say What You Mean

Communications are difficult. Face-to-face talking can be confusing, but we have a chance to ask questions and clarify points. Today I’m thinking of the confusion which comes about even when people are working together, but someone misunderstands and doesn’t speak up. A situation I’m watching from the inside is increasingly sad. Two people began not speaking to each other, even though they work together at least once a week. This is happening within a choir in a church which teaches tolerance in what is called a “reconciling ministry”. I watch in disbelief while one person becomes increasingly sure the other is wrong in decisions about leading the group. And the director is so hurt by these actions that he has become sensitive to the smallest questioning of his leadership. Communications are non-existent and folks have begun taking sides. As usual, I didn’t notice there was a problem until it erupted today with a couple of choir singers walking away from their seats and sitting in the audience. Everyone feels bad, yet not many people even know why — including myself! This is yet another of many wake-up calls I’m having these days. Bringing thought back to Love rather than condemnation, understanding instead of self-righteous indignation, compassionate acknowledgement of what is — these are the traits I will strive to demonstrate as we end this year and begin anew. The Christ is being reborn in every moment. We need but acknowledge it! 

"Fear not to recognize the whole idea of sacrifice as solely of your making.  And seek not safety by attempting to protect yourself from where it is not. Your brothers and your Father have become very fearful to you. And you would bargain with them for a few special relationships, in which you think you see some scraps of safety. Do not try longer to keep apart your thoughts and the Thought that has been given you. When they are brought together and perceived where they are, the choice between them is nothing more than a gentle awakening, and as simple as opening your eyes to daylight when you have no more need of sleep." A Course in Miracles T-15.XI.1.

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