Monday, December 23, 2019

More To Silence Than Silence

PC: Richard Quick
Eureka Springs, AR
Today I got a handwritten, two-page letter from an old friend. I’ve been pondering something she said: “I thought I’d get a glimpse of the finish line when I discovered the silence. Now I’m finding that there’s more to silence than silence. That’s alright. I’m parked right where I want to be. Is there anything more powerful than God’s grace?” I love this so much! It brings me peace to know my old friend is right where she wants to be. It’s a Christmas miracle that she’s telling me these things about her journey. This has brought me such joy that I encourage all of you to let your brothers and sisters​ in Spirit know what’s going on with you on this deeply personal level. Merry Christmas everyone!

​"Scientific pathology illustrates the digestion of spiritual nutriment as both sweet and bitter, -- sweet in expectancy and bitter in experience or during the senses' assimilation thereof, and digested only when Soul silences the dyspepsia of sense." ​Mary Baker Eddy - Miscellany Page 230

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