Friday, December 27, 2019

Did Anyone Say That?

Unknown Origin
At duplicate bridge, two days before Christmas, someone adamantly stated he didn’t care if anyone else said “happy holidays”, but he was going to say “merry Christmas” and nobody was going to tell him not to do it. Never one to keep my mouth closed, I asked him if anyone had ever challenged him when he used this greeting. He admitted no one ever had. I asked if he knew of anyone who had experienced chastisement because of it: he did not. Then he told me he heard on television about plenty of people who “got in trouble” for saying it. Of course, that set me off because I knew exactly where he was hearing about the fictitious war on Christmas. Why must we be angry at others over anything, much less something which isn’t even true? When I think about how we have been set against each other by outlandish claims, I wonder how we came to such a state — but, more importantly, how we can leave it behind. I would like to get rid of any righteous indignation I may be harboring, as I can’t change that other guy, but I can certainly change me. But that doesn't preclude my speaking truth to error!

"Speak the truth to every form of error." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 418:28

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