Friday, December 20, 2019

Does God Choose Presidents?

photo credit: Arthur Bruno
Those of you who read these writings know that I found out I had brothers and sisters about three decades ago. One of these siblings had some nasty habits in his early years, but has reformed and thinks of himself as a messenger of God.  He recently made a Facebook post about Donald Trump being "selected by God Almighty" to be president of the United States, which got me to thinking seriously about this idea. First, I do not think that God makes choices for us. We have free will and we can choose to follow a path which blesses everyone, or we can wallow in our baser desires and allow those to lead us down that drain. Whatever the case, I am not going to blame God for problems we the people have created. By the same token, I won't say a situation is ordained by this deity in the sky. While it would be hurtful to say these things to him -- and perhaps they shouldn't be said to you either! -- this is a work in progress and I'm using you as my test kitchen. Haha! But this issue is one in which I cannot be silent, so I shall continue to ponder and pray, knowing the right thing to say is waiting to be heard. Namaste to all, and to all a good night...

"Led by a solitary star amid the darkness, the Magi of old foretold the Messiahship of Truth.  Is the wise man of today believed, when he beholds the light which heralds Christ's eternal dawn and describes its effulgence? Lulled by stupefying illusions, the world is asleep in the cradle of infancy, dreaming away the hours." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 95

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