Sunday, July 16, 2023

Seating Drama

St. Elizabeth in Eureka Springs

I am the accompanist for two congregations of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church here in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. In the past two days, I’ve witnessed three instances regarding people’s “regular” seats at these services. In the Saturday mass at the Parish Center, there are around 150 chairs set up in a large hall. One woman always — always — sits in “her” spot. This weekend two men decided to play a joke on her and they sat in her regular seat up front. We all knew this was happening and watched to see her reaction. She stared at them for a long while and then took a seat which was usually theirs at the back. We all had a good laugh and then everyone went about their business.  Just before the service started, a woman came in and saw that someone else’s things were in her seat, although the culprit was not present. She sat behind “her” seat and shot daggers at him during the service. Then this morning, at the historic church downtown, a large family, including regular parishioners and visitors, came in and took up the front row in the balcony, where another woman is generally seated. She arrived and saw her row taken up and so went to a seat on a bench in the back. The patriarch of the family noticed what was happening and moved back a row with his wife and visiting grand baby. The woman who usually sat there came forward, gratefully, and took her normal seat. There were many smiles and nods of conviviality. I relate these three instances to show that we can take circumstances in many different ways, accepting or resenting, humbly or arrogantly. The loving choice makes all the difference in the surrounding atmosphere. Let’s spread happiness today, okay?

“If selfishness has given place to kindness, we shall regard our neighbor unselfishly, and bless them that curse us; but we shall never meet this great duty simply by asking that it may be done.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 9:11-14

“Miracles are examples of right thinking, aligning your perceptions with truth as God created it.” 

A Course in Miracles T-1.I.36:1

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