Saturday, July 1, 2023

You Are Alive — So Live!

Art by Jimmy Lawlor

[words from Donna Ashworth’s ‘To The Women’]

What if you’re never ready?

What if, this is as close to being ready that you’ll ever actually be?

What if, the biggest regret you have when you look back on your life, is that you wasted time waiting, waiting to be better, when you were already so very much enough?

What if, the last thought you have when your life comes to an end, is that you didn’t do enough living whilst you were alive?

My friend, this is it.

This is your life, right here, right now.

And let me tell you something, somebody somewhere went to sleep last night assuming tomorrow would be a new day.

And it wasn’t.

Today is the day.

Every day is the day.

Life waits for no one.

Seize the moment, seize the day.

Dance like nobody’s watching.

Watch the sunset.

Eat the delicious cake.

Put your bare feet on the cool grass.

Be alive.


Put your hand on your chest and feel that heartbeat pulsing through your body.

That’s all you need to be ready.

That is truly all the purpose you ever really need.

You, my friend, are alive.

So live.”

From ‘to the women’ by Donna Ashworth

“We honor you today. Yours is the right to perfect holiness you now accept. With this acceptance is salvation brought to everyone, for who could cherish sin when holiness like this has blessed the world? Who could despair when perfect joy is yours, available to all as remedy for grief and misery, all sense of loss, and for complete escape from sin and guilt?” 
A Course in Miracles W-162.5:1-4

“‘Now,’ cried the apostle, ‘is the accepted time; be hold, now is the day of salvation,’ — meaning, not that now men must prepare for a future-world salvation, or safety, but that now is the time in which to experience that salvation in spirit and in life. Now is the time for so-called material pains and material pleasures to pass away, for both are unreal, because impossible in Science.” 
Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 39:18-25

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