Monday, July 17, 2023

The Rhythm of Head and Heart


Having attended an extraordinary musical performance by the orchestra for our Opera in the Ozarks, I am tired and happy. Here are some words from Khalil Gibran about music:

“Music is the quivering of a string, charged with waves from the upper air, it penetrates your hearing, its echo emerges from your eyes in a burning tear, and from your lips as they sigh for a beloved being far away, or it utters a moan caused by the string of history and the fangs of destiny.

And it can happen that the notes of music are reflected on your lips in a smile of fulfillment.

Music is a houri in the paradise of the gods, who was in love with the sons of Adam. Then she came down to earth and told them of her love. The gods, in a fury, ordered a terrible wind to rush after her in pursuit. In this way she was scattered through the air and disseminated to all the corners of the earth. She did not die, she still lives in the ears of humans.

Music is the echo of the first kiss bestowed by Adam on the lips of Eve. And ever since then this echo has caused pleasure to rebound onto fingers as they play and ears as they listen.” 

Khalil Gibran from The Prophet

“Mental melodies and strains of sweetest music supersede conscious sound. Music is the rhythm of head and heart. Mortal mind is the harp of many strings, discoursing either discord or harmony according as the hand, which sweeps over it, is human or divine.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 213:24-29

“Miracles are a kind of exchange. Like all expressions of love, which are always miraculous in the true sense, the exchange reverses the physical laws. They bring more love both to the giver and the receiver.” 

A Course in Miracles T-1.I.9:1-3

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