Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Three Thousand Years of Longing


Overcome by Love in the Butterfly Pavilion 

Yesterday I set my thoughts to isolation and loneliness, and a beautiful example of these feelings was shown to me today. It came in the form of a movie: Three Thousand Years of Longing. Tilda Swinton plays a woman who is happy in her solitude, reveling in her intellectual endeavors and leading a lovely life. A djinn (or genie as we call them) is played by Idris Elba. He has spent most of his eternal life in solitude, in a bottle, hidden away in various places. When these two meet, they open up to each other with complete  honesty. Two things became abundantly clear to my muddled thoughts on this subject: It is a wonderful thing to love someone and share a life. And it is also a wonderful thing to love someone and not share a life. And so, as we all know but oftentimes do not want to admit: Love is all you need. And it matters not how it is manifested, only that it is acknowledged and embraced. And we are never alone. Love is a palpable Source of all that Is, and we are a creation of that energy.  Next time something opens your heart, leave that door open, okay? 

“Divine Love is infinite. Therefore all that really exists is in and of God, and manifests [Its] love.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 340:12-14

“The holy relationship reflects the true relationship the Son of God has with his Father in reality. The Holy Spirit rests within it in the certainty it will endure forever. Its firm foundation is eternally upheld by truth, and love shines on it with the gentle smile and tender blessing it offers to its own. Here the unholy instant is exchanged in gladness for the holy one of safe return. Here is the way to true relationships held gently open, through which you and your brother walk together, leaving the body thankfully behind and resting in the Everlasting Arms. Love’s Arms are open to receive you, and give you peace forever.” 

A Course in Miracles T-20.VI.10:1-6

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