Monday, September 16, 2019

At The Bridge Table

Most of you know I play duplicate bridge; few of you know how super competitive it is. It’s one of the many things I love about this game! It’s fascinating to watch how we all react to the varied results in this interesting form of comparative bridge. I have one partner who can’t look me in the eye after one of us makes a major mistake in play or bidding. My favorite regular partner scares the dickens out of most other players, and many of them act defensively toward her. I, personally, have learned more about the play of the hand from this woman than I would from taking expensive lessons in a big city! Today I partnered with a new girl in town. Her personality is effervescent! When the opponents play exceptionally well, she lights up and congratulates them, truly from the heart. I love people like this, who glory in another’s fine showing. I’ve mentioned many times before the words, What blesses one, blesses all! Thanks for the life lessons, fellow bridge players!

"Love giveth to the least spiritual idea might, immortality, and goodness, which shine through all as the blossom shines through the bud."

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