Thursday, September 12, 2019

Vote, Vote, Vote!!

I watched the Democratic debate Thursday night — or at least some of it. One thing rang true: all the candidates want what’s best for the people of our country and the people of every country. They care about people, they care about the earth and what needs to be done to save it; they care about helping us help ourselves. They care. Our current government situation is dire. I see no reason to go into specifics in this short writing. We all know the problems. I truly believe many of the candidates running for the Democratic nomination would be a great president, and I know that any of them can win the election if one thing happens: We all get out there and VOTE! How many of your friends don’t vote? I have been shocked to find out about two dear friends who believe their vote makes no difference and it isn’t worth the effort for them to vote. I ask you to join with me to help the non-voters see why it is so incredibly important. Explain to them that a special election was held this week in North Carolina and the decision was made by around 35% of the registered voters. There were less than 4,000 votes between the winner and the loser. Tell your friends: Vote in your school board elections, vote for city council candidates, vote for your representatives and senators, vote in the primaries, vote in the presidential elections — just vote! It’s fun!! 

"I am asked, 'What are your politics?' I have none, in reality, other than to help support a righteous government; to love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself." Mary Baker Eddy.

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