Thursday, September 26, 2019

Crazy Energy Out There...

photo credit: Arthur Bruno
It seems every September, I’ve forgotten the crazy energy which bounces off our Ozark Mountains when thousands of bikers spill over into Eureka from a big event in a neighboring town. The atmosphere changes, and if I don’t remember to guard against it, I become a part of it. This morning, I found myself feeling testy and overwhelmed by nothing other than regular chores and duties. Add the biker energy to the confusing thoughts due to the political problems we are swimming in — well, it’s enough to make me jumpy, to say the least! I think I’ll double-down on meditation and quiet study, limit time outside my cocoon, and realize that we needn’t be a part of anything unless we choose to be. Namaste (even to bikers and politicians!)

“Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” Mary Baker Eddy

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