Saturday, September 21, 2019

Reactions Redefined

photo credit: Aaron Springston
I watched a movie called Diane, starring Mary Kay Place. This woman is hounded by guilt from the past, a drug addicted son in the present, and no hope for the future. The phrase, “but for the grace of God go I”, kept coming to mind. I think this is a horrid phrase and sentiment. It’s one of those sayings which casts stones at others and, at the same time, promotes an unhealthy expectation of what to expect from divine Love. Another story from the Bible turned around in my thought, one where someone is thanking God that he’s not like that Philistine over there. It bring up ideas that I’m better than that guy, I am somehow more blessed than that poor woman, if God wants to punish me I will be like her — well, you get the idea. What I’d rather think is, How can I show compassion to others, how can I help someone see they needn’t be victims of the past, what can I do to improve the future. I’m reminded of a quote from Einstein’s Dreams: “What we do in the present redeems the past and changes the future.” Yes...

“Only the sane can look on stark insanity and raving madness with pity and compassion, but not with fear. For only if they share in it does it seem fearful, and you do share in it until you look upon your brother with perfect faith and love…” A Course in Miracles

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