Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Cultural Crisis

I have been a fan of Marianne Williamson since I first read A Return to Love in the 90s. I would buy copies in thrift shops to keep on hand and pass out to anyone who was sad or confused. Today, in this time of national turmoil, she is running for our highest elected office and is not afraid to speak of the need for a moral and spiritual awakening. Today, in the Washington Post, she has a powerful article concerning the recurring nightmare of gun violence. She speaks to ways our society is violent, including environmental policies which are violent toward the Earth, our economic system which is violent to the poor, and entertainment media and its violence towards people. She goes on to list our criminal justice system’s violence toward people of color, video games violent effect on our minds, the military being violent when it doesn’t have to be, the violence of our mass media in shaming and blaming for the sake of a better click rate. Finally, our hearts are violent when we abandon each other. Yes, our country is ruled by organizations and corporations which promote shameless capitalism, but our personal lives are permeated by violence to which we seem to be addicted. I’ll be examining my life to see where I’m allowing anything unlike Love to live. Join me! (And if you want to read the entire Marianne article which I referenced, here’s the link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/09/02/marianne-williamson-us-needs-department-peace/?arc404=true 

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