Thursday, September 5, 2019

One From Many

2018 Celebration Choir
This evening, we began rehearsals with the Celebration Choir for a holiday concert in December. It is based around what is known as The Nine Lessons. The lessons I have learned from accompanying this choir are many, but I'm thinking now of how 40 people can come together as individuals and end up as one. The lessons in unity I've learned from this choir have changed my life. Yes, we are all individual expressions of Creation, but we are the same because of that Source. We share with all things living one force which flows through everything. This energy can be directed in many paths, but when we allow ourselves to be guided by our inner knowing (intuition, if you will), unexpectedly beautiful things happen. I am most grateful to everyone who teaches me these lessons on a daily basis. Many have paved the way for us and I am thankful for the books which help us see more deeply. Namaste dear Friends!
"Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it." Mary Baker Eddy 

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