Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Today we remember a day none of us can forget. At the time the tragedy happened on 9/11/01, I remember thinking it was the perfect opportunity for the world to come together to demand peace; to stand up to abject terror and just say “NO”. But that didn’t happen. People became frightened and all sorts of laws were enacted to supposedly protect us. The fear we have fostered has blossomed into terror. We have believed lies, such as thinking it’s true that thousands of people were watching and cheering as the towers fell. We have allowed ourselves to be afraid of anyone with dark skin or certain clothing. Our children are afraid in schools, our adults go to church with guns, none of us are trusted to get on an airplane without being suspected of malicious intent. This is not what I want to remember on this day. I’d like to rewind the clock and go forward from that time, as one human race, insisting that violent terrorism will not be tolerated, embracing each other as members of one tribe, Earth, just as loving and trusting as the day we were born. Namaste...

"The history of our country, like all history, illustrates the might of Mind, and shows human power to be proportionate to its embodiment of right thinking. " Mary Baker Eddy

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