Sunday, September 22, 2019

Love Thy Neighbor

Mary Baker Eddy was once asked about her political beliefs. She said she really had no politics, other than to pray for a righteous government, to love her neighbor as herself and God above all else. I’ve always tried to live by this for myself. But today when the pastor of the Methodist church was talking about the horrid divisions in our country, I realized I am guilty of any number of self-righteous thoughts. When he mentioned that 75% of people stated they would not marry someone of an opposing political belief, I realized that was true for me, too. I truly cannot imagine falling in love with someone who supports our current president and his cohorts, much less marrying them. While my beginning statement speaks of loving our neighbor, it also states she prays for a righteous government. I have decided to stand by the morals and principles I’ve developed over a lifetime, while being watchful for any self-righteous judgment to sneak in. When confronted with gross actions, I will strive to see the person in the pure light they were born, remembering that nastiness is a learned behavior. Namaste..

“The Golden Rule is the rule for appropriate behavior. You cannot behave appropriately unless you perceive correctly. Since you and your neighbor are equal members of one family, as you perceive both so you will do to both. You should look out from the perception of your own holiness onto the holiness of others.” A Course in Miracles

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